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manchester fitness blogger event
This month we hosted one of our fitness events with an amazing new gym based in Manchester.  V1be is an incredible new concept gym that specialise in fun and targeted work outs wearing MyZone heart rate monitors. This means you...
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Carly rowena
We wanted to start a new segment in our blog, we absolutely love interviewing inspiring women, but wanted to offer you all more!! So we've come up with a new idea! Aptly named - 'ask the expert' where we ask...
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peach band resistance bands
Soooooo we have started to run a monthly brunch club in Manchester to create more of a health and fitness social scene (like what goes down in London constantly) but up here instead! Its a great opportunity to meet other...
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running into the sunset
Guest blogger Neil McRobert gives some great tips on how to start running and how to learn to truly love it! Running can be fun. Madness, I know; only a lunatic or a Brownlee brother would dare to make such a...
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