What makes HBC founder Fab Giovanetti a total BOSS?

Fab Giovanetti is a force to be reckoned with. Founder of the Health Bloggers Community, Marketing expert, Entrepreneur and trail blazer when it comes to influence, we catch up with this soon to be Author and find out what makes her tick, whats next and how she stays motivated.
Q1. Have you always planned on setting up your own business?
Absolutely not - I come from the recession years, and as I moved to the UK I realised I had to get a lot of experience and jobs will little security before finding something I loved, Fortunately (in retrospect), after the last company I worked for hit a massive financial toll, I felt so disillusioned with the whole system I decided to set up my first coaching business. Business coaching for health & wellness professionals, when it was definitely not as cool.
Q2.What drove you to launch the HBC?
The old trick of spotting a gap in the market and a need to be met. I created the membership first, which has now evolved into a course, membership, influencer training scheme AND mentorship. The same thing with our events: from a breakfast club in Marylebone, we are now opening our events UK Wide - it’s all about being open to the change and evolving.
Q3. What are you're strengths that have helped you along on this journey so far?
Resilience, for sure. Whenever the proverbial shit hits the fan, you gotta be ready and pick yourself up (especially when events are involved). My creative brain helps me coming up with new ideas, and my ability to learn things really fast makes me adaptable. As I mention in my upcoming books, these are almost habits for me, and I have to cherish them in order to see the growth.
Q4. You are really into health and fitness, hence the community you’ve built! What
are you loving right now for yourself and your body?
Funnily enough, I am loving simplicity. As you mentioned, I am exposed and testing new workouts, foods, concepts almost daily. I realised that having a simple routine that allows me to 1. Cook my meals and 2. Do simple workouts at the gym just makes me much happier and constant
Q5. What has been the biggest mistake you have made and what have you learnt from it?
Putting all of my eggs in one basket, funnily enough. Selective diversification is a big part of my book, as I believe being able to diversify in a smart way allows better growth - there are a few cons though, which I do elaborate on extensively in the chapter (I write and talk far too much, must be the Italian in me!)
Q7. We love a success story in the media, but they are never really reality! Behind the scenes so much more hard work and graft goes on!!! what have been the biggest obstacles you’ve had to overcome and how did you do it?
Obstacles, obstacles. So many and so often! I’ll give you an example: we have been running the same events for years, and it was the biggest drive for us for a long time. However, slowly, the London market became more saturated, competition was fiercer and people were busier. We had to stop doing those events because objectively it was just slowing us down. I never see anything that does not work as a failure, but as a learning curve
Q8. I am a really interested in daily routines of successful businesswomen, as I
have found this a really important factor that seems to tie in with business
success!) Do you have something that you make sure you do every day or even week?
Every day I meditate and make sure I write in my five-minute journal, morning and evening. I also make sure I take my 13,000 steps. Work-wise, every week I reassess targets, progress and tasks and make sure the team knows where we are at and what we need to push.
Q9. What would be the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about starting a business / launching a blog?
I would probably say, there are 6 key things you can do consistently to be successful at it, however, my top tip is always the same. Overall, focus on being a good person. Ask yourself: how can I make a positive impact in people’s lives with my work? Get it written down, plaster it in your house. Make it your drive.
Q10. What had been a real ‘pinch me’ moment in your journey so far?
Standing in front of 200 people singing Let it Go was almost cringe-y but also bloody worth it.
Q11. What’s next for yourself and the HBC ( I know you are planning on writing a
book?! )
First step is the book - Make an Impact : A Book about Harnessing Influence - we have only a few days left for the crowdfunding, and any pledge big or small will make a difference (also the rewards are bloody sexy, if you ask me).
We also are working on the upcoming News & Trends + Health Blog Awards in London and relaunching our influencer training scheme busy busy
Q12. What made you want to write a book?
I am a writer by trade, always have been. I dreamt of writing a book since I was 10, and right now it felt right to do so
Q13. I feel like you are totally fearless in how you approach life, you just do!!! It's
so inspiring! Where does this come from or how have you developed it?
I am the opposite of fearless, AH! But I let the fear drive me and keep me accountable and in check. I do not find being fearless necessarily a good thing, fear is good as it keeps us in check and keeps us aware of where we are at in life!
If you have loved what you have read and want to know more about this incredible woman, head over to her crowdfunding page and have a look at the book she is planning! She is almost at her target, so get involved and lets make this happen!!
Crowdfunding link: http://bit.ly/makeanimpactbook
Thanks for reading