Sam Says on life as a Personal Trainer

Ahead of our KIHT X SAM SAYS event we sat down with personal trainer and health and happiness advocate Sam to find out more about what makes her tick. She gives out some great advice on all things health and fitness.
Q1. How and why did you get into personal training?
My background is in marketing, I’ve done years of it but I just happened to grab myself a job at Ultimate Performance, the world’s leading personal trainers...and that was it, I was hooked. Before then I didn’t think much of PT’s I’ll be honest, I used to think they were ‘rep counters’ but when you’re surrounded by these personal trainers who are quite literally changing lives, I knew it was something I had to do. I took my time to make the move though, I wanted it to be right and I wanted to do it right, so it was a couple of years until I took the leap and by then I knew it was exactly what I should be doing. I can’t imagine doing anything else now.
Q2. What made you start with Instagram?
Well, I’m sure everyone says this but I’ve been sharing on Instagram since the very beginning. I love sharing things, I don’t know why, but I always have. My first post on Instagram was a bowl of looked shit but I didn’t care. I’ve always loved taking photos and writing (I was a freelance writer at one point, hence the ‘Sam Says’) so when Instagram came about it was perfect. I was already doing all of this Instagram lark before it became a thing really (although I’m sure that’s what they all say 😂).
Q3. For anyone reading this who doesn’t know you, what would you love to tell them?
I’m dead normal. I think anyone who is fairly active can be just an ‘Instagrammer’ to those who don’t know a lot about them. But follow me, read my stuff and you’ll soon realise I’m just a twat 😂 ...I work hard, I try to keep it as real as possible, I don’t sugar coat anything and if what I do helps people in one way or another then great.
Q4. As a coach what is the most important thing you try to ‘teach’ or pass onto the people you work with?
Dependability. It’s great to have a personal trainer to show you technique, to push you further, to guide you...but the most important thing for me is that my clients can go away and feel confident enough to do it on their own. They shouldn’t ‘need’ me, that’s important.
Q5. What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt on your journey so far?
Oh fucking hell. There’s plenty! Being self-employed sparks something in you, it makes you want to work harder than you’ve ever done before which is great. But it’s also important to take care of yourself, manage your time well, practice self-care...else you’ll burn out and be no good to anyone.
Q6. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do?
Take some time out and do ‘nothing’. I think many people are afraid of that, afraid to say no or feel they need to be doing something at all times. I take time out for myself, spend a little time on my worries and boxing them off so I no longer need to or at least give myself time to focus on getting rid of them.
Q7. Do you have any habits that form your daily routine that you swear by?
Honestly? Not really. I don’t even wash on a daily basis 😂
I have tried to create a nice ‘bedtime’ routine recently, but that won’t happen every night. Hot bath with bubbles, phone off, candle lit and’s a nice routine to help me wind down after a hectic day but there are times when I simply pass out - I’m working on it.
Q8. Who inspires you?
My friends. Honestly. It’s easy for my answer to be someone on Instagram, but I see what my friends go through on a daily basis, and I see them smashing it through life.
My best friends Jenny and Lamorna are both incredible women dealing with the ups and downs of life yet still managing to achieve incredible things - things that aren’t being shouted about all over Instagram.
They inspire me so much it makes me emotional and I’m not normally one for that soft shite. Having friends like that are golden.
Q9. What would be the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about starting a business?
Think of yourself as a business - for one. A lot of people looking to start out in the fitness industry especially just see themselves as ‘a trainer’, but the minute you decide to be self-employed YOU ARE EVERYTHING. You’re the product, the brand, the marketing, the customer service, customer relations, accounts, business development...the lot. That’s not to scare anyone, but it should be a nudge to get them to think about developing in these areas if you really want to be successful.
Q10. The fitness industry is such a busy space, with so much information on offer, it can be overwhelming! What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession?
Oh god. There’s so much to be honest, far too much.
I’d probably say that despite it improving, women still think they’re going to be massive if they lift heavy weights.
It’s a shame too, because it’s stopping females from doing it and it’s such an empowering thing to be doing. Not to mention the physical and mental benefits to lifting weights.
Q11. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
I couldn’t put my finger on it to be honest. There’s not one specific moment. I’ve spent my life doing all sorts, I’ve been in plenty of different job roles and at the time I’ve always wondered what the fuck it was I was doing.
But now I look back and every single job I had I learnt valuable lessons and skills - all of which have led me to where I am today, and for that I am grateful.
Huge thank you to Sam for this wonderful interview and if you want to know more about what she does, make sure you check out her social channels and give her some love!!!
Instagram - samsays_pt
If you enjoyed this interview with Sam, why not check out The Business of Wellness with the Flourishing Pantry - it's another great read!
Click Here >>>>
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