Kayla Itsines - The Number 1 Health and Fitness influencer for 2017

Kayla Itsines - The Number 1 Health and Fitness influencer for 2017

Kayla Itsines has made it to the number one spot for the most influential health and fitness person for 2017, what an amazing feat to have achieved! If you've not heard about this incredible woman, you need to read this article! 

With over 7 million Instagram followers, an app and a best-selling ‘Bikini Body Guide’ under her belt, Kayla Itsines is the very definition of a modern day fitness icon.

At only 25 years old, she is an incredibly inspiring icon for women and fitness.

Originally from Adelaide, Australia, she has always been into health and fitness. She puts this down to her upbringing – her parents did not allow her to have a games console but instead encouraged her to play out with her friends and get involved in sports.

From here she became a personal trainer and began working at a women's only gym. She soon realised that the workouts she was instructed to do often didn’t get the results her clients were looking for, so she set out to develop her own, targeting common problem areas - and from this, her trademark 12-week program was born.

She went on to meet her partner Tobias Pearce in her early twenties, he is also a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast, obviously, they met at the gym! It was Tobias who encouraged her to create her guides after watching her response on social media. He has a double degree in Business and Commerce, before getting into a career of bodybuilding and personal training. He prides himself on his own body transformation form the 60kg classical musician to a 102 kg bodybuilder. He set up the company Fresh Fitness Solutions which teamed up with Kayla's Bikini body training company to become the Bikini Body Guide.

Fast track to now, she constantly updates her Instagram with women following the program who have achieved amazing results with the hashtags BBG / Kayla's army / BBG progress to name a few. In an interview with Business Insider Australia she talks about her success:

As well as the before-and after-photos that Itsines’s business is renowned for on Instagram and Facebook, she also posts photos of herself – but rarely of her face.

Itsines’s business philosophy isn’t about putting one name or one face to an industry which is meant to motivate an entire population.
“If people can’t relate they come unmotivated. I want people to think of the Kayla Itsines program as a program that motivates everyone and that it’s not all about me,” she said.
“I can’t simply inspire someone myself because I’m only me, I live in Adelaide, I eat these foods, some people can’t relate to that. But when they see others from all over the world with different body types, that’s when you start getting motivated and relating.”

With all the success she has, she still trains clients one on one and likes to live a simple life, she doesn't drink, describing it as 'poison' and prefers staying at home than going out. She also loves her dogs, which she posts cute pictures of.

One of the most amazing things about Kayla is that she has gained such a huge following and success without having to post any 'sexy' pictures of herself. This is something that when she set out she decided she did not want to do as she wanted to be a role model for young women. I think this is something that really sets her apart from a lot of other really successful influencers – even Joe Wickes admits he has to do a lot of shoots with his top off!

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