Sustainable Plastic Free Living

fruit and veg in eco-friendly bags

plastic free lifestyle

Plastic-free -Tips to help you take the challenge. 

If like us you are embarking on plastic-free, we got you!

Firstly, it's not about ‘winning’ and being completely plastic free, it's more about making small swaps and trying! We use so much plastic without any consideration, so becoming plastic free won’t happen over night. Like anything, it takes time and small changes add up to bigger ones.

We’ve pulled together some great resources from our own research into living plastic free! For us, we are starting with small swaps and have been looking into making some bigger moves.

So we’ve added it all in here.

One of the biggest ways we are looking to cut down on out plastic, is our food packaging and for us, that means, shopping locally and food planning time. On a side note it also means we will probably naturally be eating a little more healthily and less snacking! So roll on our plastic free lifestyle! 

The links start with easy swaps first, things you can do around the house to get you thinking, then moving onto some bigger changes you can make, plus some reading bits if you want to dig deeper!

And our last piece of advice, enjoy the challenge, don’t make it a burden! We will be documenting how we get on!

Start Here:

Peace and Wild offer up some great advice in this blog:

Plus some great zero waste products:

Our KIHT Hoodie is ethical and sustianable and is delivered in all recycable packagng -

Ideas on zero waste in the kitchen and food shopping, plus some recipes:

We've pulled together some quick swaps to help you out day to day:

A String bag

A Re-usable Water Bottle

A Re-usable cup The worlds first cup made from used paper cups! Brilliant! And it won’t break the bank either 

If you like to drink out of glass, we found this great one from Turtle Cup.
And 50p from every sale goes to #2minutebeachclean helping them tackle plastic pollution on our beaches.

If you want to start making more of a change have a look at these zero waste shops:

Ready to dig deeper into a plastic free lifestyle? Have a look at these resources :

Things to watch:

Things to read:

Book recommendations:

If your lokking for sustianable gift ideas then check out our blog -

We hope you find this helpful in starting your journey and if you have any recommendations please drop them in the comments! We are all trying to learn and get better at making good decisions!