Life as a Yogi - Meet Claudia aka Mirallegro

Meet Claudia, the next host of our upcoming Kiht Collective event. Claudia @Mirallegro is an internationally beloved health and wellness maven with a passion for helping everyone she encounters — both in her classes and off the mat - realise their full potential.
Q1. For anyone reading this who doesn’t know you, what would you love to tell them?
I’m all about allowing life to flow rather than putting pressure on ourselves to be and act in a certain way (the world does enough of that for us). My goal really is to help people through my yoga classes, retreats and online content, live happier and healthier lives.
Overall, I'm a serial yogi who loves getting creative with blogging, photography & active wear. Oh & I’m on the forefront to live as sustainable as possible, whilst promoting veganism and tackling plastic problems.
Q2. What got you into the practise of Yoga?
I began practicing Yoga about 8 years ago, mainly to keep fit. It wasn’t until moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting that I began to connect with Yoga on a deeper level (the irony!). Acting will always have a place in my heart, but the up’s and downs of the industry can really take a toll. I would feel so lost at times, so insecure and vulnerable – having a strong yoga discipline helped me see past this. It grants me freedom of expression and emotion and to me, it’s mediation in motion.
Q3. How has yoga helped you?
Yoga has been life-changing. It’s allowed me to make peace with myself, to grow, to connect. I really believe it allows us all to function at a higher level. To tap back into our presence and to become completely present – which is where true joy resides.
Q4. As a teacher what do you love to pass on to your students?
I always remember what got me hooked on yoga in the first place. It wasn’t about the physical benefits or trying to achieve any certain postures or anything like that, it was the little nuggets of inspiration that my teachers gave to me. I remember thinking that I want to give the same to my students, to make them feel what I felt, to make them feel inspired and to make them feel happy!
Q5. What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt on your journey so far?
The journey really is the destination. Find peace and in the present. In all the highs and the lows. The opportunities and the losses. The YES’ and the NO'S. Embrace every challenge and enjoy little break through moment. Every experience is leading you in the right direction. All you have to do is follow the dots, trust and enjoy.
Q6. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do?
These are 3 simple tools that help me gain perspective and recharge if I’m feeling low or stressed;
1. Social media break. I disconnect and reconnect back to myself by taking some me time. Switching off can be so freeing and whenever I do, I always feel re-inspired and notice a difference in my performance overall.
2. Nature. Getting outside does so much for me. Whether that means going for a nice walk, going for a hike, or even camping, it’s so important to get out of the house! Being outdoors nurtures our “nature neurons” which boosts your mood and lower stress levels.
3. YOGA. Yoga is the mindfulness juice! It allows us to tap back into our presence by holding power poses. And to come back to the very moment we’re in by focusing on our breath. When you are in the present moment, past/present/future cannot bother you. You feel at peace, at ease, at one with yourself. Like I said, it’s the mindfulness juice!
Q7. Do you have any habits that form your daily routine that you swear by?
Routines are VERY important. If I want to have an exceptional week I will make sure I always have these points slotted into my day;
- First things first, start with meditation (before emails, coffee, to do lists). I also LOVE using my jade roller during meditation too – super soothing.
- Brain dump. I always write my to do lists, any errands, TOP 7 (you get it). This allows me to really process what I need to get done and makes my mind feel less cluttered.
- Gratitude list. I believe with every spec of my being that gratitude can shift your perspective. Gratitude is taking the time to be thankful. So I write/think/pray about three things I’m grateful for.
- Cultivate being in a flow state EVERYDAY. For me this means practicing yoga. Basically practice anything where you really find that you are ‘in the zone’.
- No screen time allowed before bed. Switch off. Rest. Read. Recharge.
Q8.Who inspires you?
There are lots of people around me that inspire me and have made me who I am today. My friends and family, my students and my teachers. People I’ve met online and people I’m yet to meet but love to follow. The podcasts I tune into daily to the authors I recite during my yoga classes. A huge part of my job is inspiration, so I guess it feels really natural for me to always be accessing people, places and materials that will uplift me. My instant go to’s would be: anything by Tony Robbins, The blind boy Podcast, A New Earth: a self-help book by Eckhart Tolle and all of the top ten Ted Talks.
Q9. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
If you’ve been following me on IG, you’ll know about my recent investment - my life coach. AKA the best time, money, energy EVER spent. It’s an hour session once a week, that whips me from good to great to unstoppable. If you’re self-employed you will feel me on this one – it can be hard to not have anyone that holds you accountable for your work LIFE. Sometimes a little added management, meaning and magic is needed, which is why I invest in Rebecca, my lovely life coach.
Q10. What's next? Where do you see your path taking you?
I’m on a mission to focus on bringing more retreats and workshops your way. To build an empowering and uplifting community online. To front meaningful campaigns and to work with brands that I truly believe in. I know this is just the beginning of an incredible journey, there is still so much to learn, a lot to share, and even more to gain. Hope to connect with you soon. Love ya, Love Claudia xo.
If you want to know more about Claudia check out her blog - Click Here
Dont forget to show her some love on her insta too! @Mirallegro
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